As a Cameroon energy utility company, GDC is operated largely by the people of Cameroon, who represent over 90% of the company’s employees.
Many of our staff have been with the company for over five years and we have undertaken significant levels of training within GDC, to develop our people’s skills in areas such as pipe laying, safety, administration, management, sales, marketing and human resources. Throughout GDC, our commitment to personal development is paramount and we see our operations in Cameroon as an example of how to successfully do business within a country, with both employees and local stakeholders.
Throughout the process of developing the Logbaba field, local consultation sessions have been run to help communities become aware of how operations are to move forward and for GDC to listen to concerns and feedback from the people of Douala. Our community interaction programmes have allowed GDC to pre-empt issues, in what is a highly populated urban area, and also to ensure that local people have been involved in paid work during all stages of development. One of the key measures of success of the relationships we have built in the community, is the proactive approach the local community takes to ensure pipeline security. For example our safety teams receive feedback from community members, if concerns arise over other companies planning subsurface work in areas where our gas pipes have been laid.
GDC is committed to strengthening local communities. We have in place an active community programme helping to benefit people in the city of Douala. Our approach is to liaise with communities; identify key needs and then develop projects ourselves or work in conjunction with established organisations. We look to ensure that a true cross section of community members participate in active schemes and have worked to develop ballot systems for selecting individuals to participate in certain programmes.
Some of our Corporate Social Responsibility Activities carried out to date include: Sponsoring the Logbaba District Hospital’s breast and endometrial cancer screening programme; maintenance costs of the borehole supplying potable water to the local population of Ndogpassi; charitable donations to orphanages and disabled communities, donating blood and providing assistance to the victims of the Eseka train accident, compensation payments made for pipeline construction disturbances; local residents we reemployed as community workers for GDC activities; safety information and awareness meetings with local authorities and residents; stakeholder engagement and information meetings related to gas pipeline extension to the Bonaberi area.
Social Responsibility Policy Statement
Gaz du Cameroun is conscious of the social impact that its activities may have on local communities and pays great attention to ensuring that its activities run smoothly, in co-operation with community organizations, civic institutions, contractors and stakeholders.
GDC believes that its activities should generate economic benefits, create opportunities for an improved quality of life, respect the environment and constitute a positive influence in the communities in which it operates.
The Company is committed to conducting its business responsibly, with honesty, integrity and in accordance with all applicable local and international regulations and laws, respecting human rights and the interests of all those that may be affected by its activities, with the aim of achieving long-term sustainability.
All employees and contractors or GDC and visitors of GDC remises are required to adhere to this policy and are encouraged to apply its principles at all times and in all places.
CSR Objectives
- Create a working environment for our employees based on mutual trust and respects, and in which diversity and inclusion are valued.
- Consider potential social impacts of Company activities (e.g. demographic, socioeconomic, on health, social infrastructures, natural resources, life-style and cultural heritage) and adopt solutions that enhance the positive Effects on local communities and reduce h adverse effects;
- Be a role model and build long term relations within local communities founded on trust and mutual benefit.
In line with our Management effort, the following operating practices must be adopted.
- Conduct activities with honesty, integrity and in observance with laws and regulations and any additional measures considered necessary;
- Practice non-discrimination in employment with respect to race, sex, religion, political opinions, social origins, age and disability;
- Protect religious diversity and local ethnic/cultural heritage;
- Protect worker and population from damage caused by the direct and indirect impact of Company activities;
- Seek to minimize the use of natural resources.
- Consider ways of mitigate adverse social impacts in cooperation with the people and communities affected, in the same way as for other type of environmental impact;
- Encourage local socioeconomic development using local labour and material whenever possible;
- Cooperate with local communities in pursuing initiatives of mutual interest aimed at enhancing local potential and spreading the benefits to local population.
- Communicate openly and actively encourage dialogue with workers, communities and civic institutions on all issues relating to this policy;
- Sensitize employees and anyone working with GDC of the awareness of the present Social Responsibility Policy.
This policy will be enforced through dedicated management commitment and review, supported through supervision and compiled with all personnel.